Thoughts on niching offers
Ok so I’m a relationship coach, and I have worked with women, men, couples, people in the dating scene, single moms, older men… you get it. I had a coach really pushing me to niche down, and I get why. It’s hard to make content when I don’t know who I’m talking to.
Buuuuut, every time I tried to do so, I would get upset and sad and lose steam for my business, because I felt so limited. I’d also have people from the other demographics say things like “oh I was interested but then I saw you don’t work with men anymore…” etc.
I have a new coach who is awesome and she says I don’t need to niche down more (she says relationship coaching is already a niche), but I can niche my offers. So I have an offer for moms, and offer for single men, etc.
I love this and I feel liberated, but I’m also afraid my instagram is going to look a little confusing if I’m talking to different people on different days, and I’m afraid that if I start a podcast idk who I’m going to be talking to (unless I make it about relationships in general and cover different topics on different days, and I guess people do this but I’m still confused on how to make it work.)
For reference, I’m about 18 months into my business, so I guess I could keep trying different things until one takes off and then reevaluate.
What do you all think?
EDIT: Thank you all so much for your support!!! I feel so good reading all of the positive advice, and I realize that this is a process and journey. To the person who said “keep going,” that was so simple and so good. I need to stop second-guessing myself, and just keep trying things until they work out! You all are very awesome.