The hate against Libras for everything

Almost every thread is created on this place end up hating on us, for example they can talk about something and randomly as long as someone says Libra will be the comment with more upvotes. They think we have to act like doormats while they keep on projecting and hating.

Generalizations are always about the rest of the zodiac signs but when it comes to us they act like It’s a fact and we have to accept all the no sense and projections. No matter what we do or say we’re always gonna be the villians in their movie.

This is MY opinion so ill ignore any kind of gaslighting. The ALL ZodiAc signs are HaTEd is pure BS, we have been hated two consecutive years with no stop more that others.

I literally don't care if a Libra did someone wrong, its not my fault. Im more of a loner and I dont live to please nobody so i give a fuck.