Who else gets frustrated by how the firearms industry often isolates liberals (or those adjacent) from the market with products like these?
Who else gets frustrated by how the firearms industry often isolates liberals (or those adjacent) from the market with products like these? Whenever I see Trump/MAGA-themed firearms products, I’m put off and search for a different manufacturer. It’s no secret that in today’s political landscape, the 2A is primarily championed by conservatives. However, years ago, I don’t recall seeing politically marketed products when shopping for firearms.
I’m a Black woman veteran who has been handling firearms since I was about 4 years old, under my mother’s supervision—who is also a Black woman veteran. Growing up, I never saw firearms as a “conservative value” because I was raised by and descend from generations of Black Christian progressive gun owners, many of whom were veterans as well.
Now, I don’t adhere to a specific political ideology per se, I’m pro-rights across the board—Pro-2A, Pro-Choice, Pro-LGBTQIA+, etc. So, with that in mind, I would never want a gun that says “Libturd.” If I’m not mistaken, that’s a derogatory term for liberals, which brings me to the reason for this post.
I saw a lower receiver by Spike’s Tactical that I really wanted for my AR build. It wasn’t until much later in the process that I noticed what it said because the initial images I viewed weren’t clear. This caught me completely off guard. I typically see political verbiage and imagery on magazines, grips, etc.—but on the damn lower? All I wanted was a cute, rainbow 🌈 unicorn 🦄 themed lower.🤬. And yes I'm aware I can have one customized, but I was really hoping to avoid that for the sake of cost and lack of access near me.
Who else gets frustrated by how the firearms industry often isolates liberals (or those adjacent) from the market with products like these? Whenever I see Trump/MAGA-themed firearms products, I’m put off and search for a different manufacturer. It’s no secret that in today’s political landscape, the 2A is primarily championed by conservatives. However, years ago, I don’t recall seeing politically marketed products when shopping for firearms.
I’m a Black woman veteran who has been handling firearms since I was about 4 years old, under my mother’s supervision—who is also a Black woman veteran. Growing up, I never saw firearms as a “conservative value” because I was raised by and descend from generations of Black Christian progressive gun owners, many of whom were veterans as well.
Now, I don’t adhere to a specific political ideology per se, I’m pro-rights across the board—Pro-2A, Pro-Choice, Pro-LGBTQIA+, etc. So, with that in mind, I would never want a gun that says “Libturd.” If I’m not mistaken, that’s a derogatory term for liberals, which brings me to the reason for this post.
I saw a lower receiver by Spike’s Tactical that I really wanted for my AR build. It wasn’t until much later in the process that I noticed what it said because the initial images I viewed weren’t clear. This caught me completely off guard. I typically see political verbiage and imagery on magazines, grips, etc.—but on the damn lower? All I wanted was a cute, rainbow 🌈 unicorn 🦄 themed lower.🤬. And yes I'm aware I can have one customized, but I was really hoping to avoid that for the sake of cost and lack of access near me.