Just finished a beginner handgun class. Here are some takeaways and questions.
Took a class at a local shop/indoor range. This consisted of classroom time, a simulator and range time. Most of the classroom info I had learned just from research, but it was definitely enlightening to actually fire a gun. The range has a bunch of guns available for rent, and since it was after hours of he instructor let me fire a couple different models. I definitely feel a lot more comfortable handling a pistol now, but I definitely suck at shooting. Which is to be expected. I felt shaky, mostly missed low, and couldn’t quite get comfortable with the grip. I always read that you should try a lot until you find what feels right for you. My question, is that feel about the recoil? The way the grip feels or fits in your hand? Sights? How do you gauge what feels best? Is it something obvious or does it take rounds upon rounds through multiple models? Is it big glaring differences or more nuanced?