Being Gay and Religious. Thoughts?
So, I don’t have many friends in real life, and over the past year, I’ve found myself reading a lot of Reddit posts. This is probably my first time actually making my own post, but Idk I’ve always wanted to start a conversation.
I came across this new artist after stumbling upon a TikTok where a religious group was apparently reporting his song every day. Naturally, I had to check it out—and you guys, he literally opens the song with, “I don’t know, I think being gay is a God-given gift.” That line alone caught my attention, and after some deep diving, I realized he’s actually incredible but like idk I get why they’re mad but, I don’t at the same time if u get what I mean.
It got me thinking though—what do you guys think about that line? On queerness and religion? I know for a lot of us, or at least for how things have been in my life, those two things don’t always coexist peacefully, but I’d love to hear different perspectives.
Oh and the song is called GAY by Chris Pierce.