Wanted to make a facebook post but maybe i made it too personal?

For context i wanted to make a facebook post about my journy being trans and to remind everyone why using the proper pronouns is important to me and how hard this has all been. But i think i ended up ranting about my life and maybe its too personal for facebook. If you saw a friend post this, would you be like tmi?

Since i was quite young i always struggled with my gender identity and my sexuality. When i was younger i started to secretly date girls behind my familys back. I felt hiding it would be best, considering it wasnt something i ever grew up learning about. I was quickly outed when my phone was gone through and i was questioned if i was actually dating a girl. Which i said yes too. I was immediately put infront of my silbings, step siblings and their friends to declare i was bisexual and dating a girl. (My siblings reactions were that they didnt really care, but standing infront of them like that made me feel like a freak. Neither onr of my other siblings had to stand in front of the family and announce they were dating anyone.) It was then i realized humility, shame and degradation would be a part of my life. Especially in my own home. Maybe a year later i started hearing the term transgender going through my friend group. I went home and looked it up. I remember feeling that theres no way this is real. God has made me this way, if i was supposed to be a boy he would of made me a boy. I kept this term in the back of my mind and started dressing more masculine and cutting my hair. Once i was getting into high school and puberty was hitting me more i started to get extreme dysphoria about my chest. I finally came out as transgender when i was a junior in high school i believe. My family made remarks of "oh its a phase" "you dont know what that means" "you dont want to be a boy" "you're just doing that for attention ". I remember going to one of my parents and expressing the need to change my body. Which resulted in many lectures about how im a child and i cannot change my body. Maybe when im older and if i still feel that way i can do it but i need to be patient. I remember being in target one day and i asked if i can get boxers. The absolute look of disgust coming from her face. Of course her answer is no, i wasnt allowed to get any gender affirming care or help. So my mom took me to this person (therapist? still have no idea if this therapist was cherry picked. I saw him maybe 6 times and then took a questioner and thats how he got his results) who told my parent and that i am not transgender. Which fucked my head up even more. Now my parent has a therapist saying im not transgender so the entire thing was dropped. I never mentioned me being transgender for years to my family. But behind the scenes i was hurting myself, using duct tape to bind my chest. I wanted everything to end. I felt like a freak, that everything in my mind wasnt real because its not realistic. My joy in life was gone and i cannot express how dark my thoughts were at that time. I just gave up. Then i turned 17 and graduated and was kicked out of my home. I moved in with my then partner who was aware of my issues. Being with someone who barely supports you, blames everything on you and who uses you was awful for my mental health. Leaving that relationship was probably the best thing i did, i wish i had a safe place to go to earlier. But i felt i was stuck living with him with no where else to go. A few months before i left that relationship i tried to end myself. I remember thinking to myself "i just dont want to be sad" i repeated that as i asked my mom to take me to the hospital. I would be hit multiple times on the way there for admitting i hadnt taken my medication. When i left the hospital this time i still felt so alone. I broke up with my partner not too long after that. I started to try to work on myself and get back to the things i loved to do.