[5E][Online][EST] Experienced DM Looking For Players For HomeBrew Adventure

Edit 6/4/20: I've begun going through the applications, and there is an overwhelming amount already so please be patient with me as I begin to reach out over the next day or so.

Game is set to take place weekly on Thursdays around 9:30-10:00pm EST. I tend to run games about 4-5 hours in length, so please be prepared for that. Discord will be used for voice, while R20 will be used for Sheets, Rolling, Maps, ect. Party will start level 1, and level up using milestones. Mainly RAW rules, but there are a few house rules I use that work in the favor of the party, as well.

Players newer to the game are encouraged to apply, but all are generally welcome. For experienced players, all that I ask is for no back seat DMing.

Please fill out the form here to be considered for the game: Form

The Year is 5025 A.R. The continent of Ukira and its kingdoms have easily settled back into times of peace and prosperity following their war with the encroaching Talan Empire in the southern continent of Anux 40 years prior. What damage was done to the lands has slowly begun to heal, and cities have finished most of the major repairs needed to keep their communities running at full capacity. So much so, that even the tensions between The Kingdom of Deomore and The Kingdom of Vrailia, which had died down during the war, have begun to surface once again as if nothing had ever changed at all.

That being said, however, the continent of Ukira is not without its fair share of problems, still. Goblins can still be found prowling in the woods and in deep caves where civilized folk dare not tread any longer. Undomesticated Dragons have been spotted in alarming frequency in the north as of late. And of course, there are talks of rebellion amongst the population of The Kingdom of Epraveil.

And that is why you are here, traveler. Welcome to the Honored Hunters:

An adventuring guild that brings together adventurers looking to either make a difference, fill their pocket with coin, or better yet, both! Originally founded in 4940 A.R., the guild has been serving its kingdom and those that surround it for over 85 years. Thanks to their support in the war against the Talan Empire, they have been officially recognized by the former King Tiberius Blackletter II of Epraveil. Now any adventurer worth their sauce is clambering to gain membership. Amongst the hundreds looking to make a name for themselves in these lands, can you make the cut?

Well adventurer? What say you?