[Online][5e][AEST] Thursday evening Curse of Strahd game

Heya! I'm a DM looking for another player (possibly two) for a 6pm to 9pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) game of Curse of Strahd over Discord, using Owlbear for maps and DnD Beyond for character sheets. Our group has taken a short break from DnD after finishing a successful yearlong campaign of Call of the Netherdeep, and are looking to get back into it with a new campaign. Unfortunately one of our players couldn't join us in the new campaign, so we're looking to get a new player. We'll be using the 2014 DnD 5e rules, mostly due to familiarity. Bigotry, hate speech and the like won't be tolerated. I'll most likely run you through a one shot with the group prior to beginning the campaign to get a feel of how well we'll all get along. Leave a comment or message me and we'll go from there