The room with the drugs
Mark. Do you remember that room the entire apartment you had filled to the brim with drugs? You had bags and bags of weed in there purchased directly from the cartel because you have connections. Everyone in New York knows you’re a drug dealer. You deal drugs. I remember when I saw it. The night with Greg. After that dinner you brought me to the apartment and showed me your deepest darkest secret. We were sitting at a table and I know that was real because Greg still has the picture because he said nobody would believe him and he said that was about his ex and he tells students about that. Well everyone after that mark shows me his little drug apartment. Mark is surprise surprise a drug dealer along with Idina. She’s a dealer too. From what I found out after that night. People truly aren’t who they seem to be. I made sure for when you finally do get fed up and maybe file that restraining order that the cops who do know about it catch you and that your finally arrested and charged with possession. Remember how you would against my will give me drugs while we worked on projects. All the adderall I needed during “everything is groovy”. I was a fucking child working with you in the writers room on XYZ. The lyrics were on a white board and we were somewhere in New York and that was a terrifying time for me. I’d never been so scared directly out of high school. Kick rocks mark. Seriously you can’t even tell me you’re sorry? Do you even know how ridiculous i sound saying this? Like anybody in my family even believes me.