Omfg Ava and trump
Ava supporting trump just goes to show what a truly ugly person she is inside. U can post as many lyric stories and Gabbie Hanna create-more rants about how ur a good person but GIRL. voting against lgbt community, women… for what? The economy??! girl ur basically a glorified middle schooler living on ur mommy’s allowance. Grateful for her citizenship?? be grateful that your wealthy and white. if ur life, ur parents lives, ur grandparents lives, had gone different you could be in a totally different and disadvantaged life situation. Her inability to truly think ab other people and think bigger just floors me
i can notttt with this entitled girl and the awesome life she thinks she’s flexing. mommy’s money, has never worked a real job, never finished, doesn’t DO anything no music or clothes or art, no school is famous for ?? LITERALLY dating pretty girls and treating them like shit. surrounds herself with shitty friends like Conner and takes pride in it…like ofccc birds of a feather. i genuinely wonder if she’s ever stopped to consider anyone’s feelings besides her own.
Hopefully people wake up and finally realize she’s just an entitled white girl who happened to pop off on tik tok and while that might’ve been totally awesome it’s old and cringe and a waste of everyone’s time 🫶🫶