Two impeccable dupes for an insane discount (alternative title: i love you AE)

first set: dupe of one of L brand’s many beautiful bouquet sets. perfect look, an exact copy aside from one small point: the clutch power in some of the smaller pieces, particularly the wrench elements, isnt 100% consistent like Lego, but at $11 (yes i paid 10.96 for this and it took only about a week to get to me) vs. $80 (Lego prices are insane and i cannot be convinced otherwise as sets get smaller and prices continue to rise) i would buy from this store again and again. 4/5

second set: dupe of RETIRED Las Vegas set that again, was absolutely perfect. i should say, aesthetically, i’m bias to the skyline builds and i think when theyre good, theyre really good. that being said, personally this one is one of my favorite skylines i’ve done. each structure was an interesting smaller build, with the Bellagio (blue & white hotel) and Luxor were personal favs. but then they also gave us the Sphinx by the Luxor, a printed Las Vegas sign, the fountain jets in front of the Bellagio, and the super cool bendable piece that makes the Las Vegas Stratosphere Tower (tall one). perfect clutch power, excellent instructions. this one goes on ebay for $150, i paid about $20. thank you AE and Chinese retailers for making fun still accesible for those of us who cant or won’t spend so much money on Lego. 5/5

but i feel obliged to say, as always, Lego does have that consistency and sometimes finer but stronger bits. and of course, lego instruction booklets are generally superior, but these two sets weren’t so bad in that regard. if anyone wants to buy theyre very easy to find on AE using an image search :) happy building!