The Trio is Finally Built and Complete
After a hectic year that had me buy R2 in Feb, Chewy in May and store them until the Mrs. gave me 3PO for Christmas, I plowed through and got them all build and on the shelf that I had set aside for it.
Super happy with all 3 builds, though if I don't get an all brown set in the near future I probably wouldn't complain! (Also finished Home Alone before starting on these 3 -soooo much brown!)
After a hectic year that had me buy R2 in Feb, Chewy in May and store them until the Mrs. gave me 3PO for Christmas, I plowed through and got them all build and on the shelf that I had set aside for it.
Super happy with all 3 builds, though if I don't get an all brown set in the near future I probably wouldn't complain! (Also finished Home Alone before starting on these 3 -soooo much brown!)