guys dont get me wrong I am a light bluish grey enjoyer but holy fuck these clone fanboys get to me whenever somebody makes a tHe peRFecT suMmER WAvE type of video on youtube and there are only clones in the thumbnail I just know that shit will be disgusting. Like don't you have any other interest than the clone wars ffs these guys are stuck in their childhood thinking they are only going to get clone sets and they want that for some reason. For these guys Lego is only Clones and the 501st like bro... Go get a creator set or something man do you really have joy from collecting clones. On top of that they complain about everything they have been crying for a UT-AT for years and they are getting it and IM SURE they will find something to cry about with that set too. Anyways I wanted to rage somewhere about this and 80 percent of the lego sw community is like this. I hope these "stuck in their childhood" people stop whining and realize Lego isn't just star wars ESPECIALLY NOT JUST CLONES. Am I the only one that gets mad about these people