Henlo my friends as you all know I am the GURRREATEST Purrivate Investicator in the WORLD.
well, a few weeks ago hooman roommates decided to get T W O new cats. They told me I would get TWO new younger siblings. But they are H U G E. Also they are big and dumb. Very dumb! They so dumb, they can't even BATHE themselves, hoomans wash them (!!!! madness! insanities!)
well, as a puurrrrivate investicator I took their case Paw Bono!
In exchamge for NOTHING but a very smol catnip fee, and their free labor, I am here working on the case of THE MISSING BRAIN CELLS
the white one is pretty inqu... inkwi- VERY CURIOUS. The oramge one is... Well he is Oramge! I might hire them once I find all their brain cells
(Hooman failed to deliver catnips and tunas? HIRE ME. Contact us during prime zoomie hours)
Henlo my friends as you all know I am the GURRREATEST Purrivate Investicator in the WORLD.
well, a few weeks ago hooman roommates decided to get T W O new cats. They told me I would get TWO new younger siblings. But they are H U G E. Also they are big and dumb. Very dumb! They so dumb, they can't even BATHE themselves, hoomans wash them (!!!! madness! insanities!)
well, as a puurrrrivate investicator I took their case Paw Bono!
In exchamge for NOTHING but a very smol catnip fee, and their free labor, I am here working on the case of THE MISSING BRAIN CELLS
the white one is pretty inqu... inkwi- VERY CURIOUS. The oramge one is... Well he is Oramge! I might hire them once I find all their brain cells
(Hooman failed to deliver catnips and tunas? HIRE ME. Contact us during prime zoomie hours)