Can employer pressure me to come in when sick?

Employer pressuring to come in when sick

For context, I live in Ontario, and I work in home care.

I very rarely call in sick, like maybe 2-3 times a year. Yet my employer is very unreasonable when I need to call in. They expect a thorough examination of symtpoms and why i am unable to work, and then refuse to book me off (i called early in the morning to give plenty of notice) and they instead demanded i "take some lozenges, drink fluid and rest", then i am to call them later if i absolutely don't feel better.

I dont see how this is legal, seeing how theyre pressuring me to come in. I also am pretty certain i do not have to explain myself. They also retaliate by demanding doctors notes (which are $20 for me.) If employees call in, which only seems fair for those who abuse the system.

Hoping somebody can provide some clarification on whether or not I have a right to argue with this incredibly unfair and stupid policy. Thanks(: