English language requirement lawsuit?

Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to create a law suit against the government of Canada related to discrimination of minority populations when it comes to english language exams for eligibility for specific career routes? My mother has completed her masters degree at a Canadian university, and still they require her to do an english exam consistently with score of 8 or higher in categories of reading, writing, listening and speaking. She always passes every one except the writing and ends up with a 7.5 or 0.5 off her necessary score. She has had to re-do this exam almost 100 times in her life as an immigrant here because they require it every year if you are applying for a new job. I know people who grew up in Canada who could not pass this exam so it seems extremely prejudiced against specific minorities, and because English is subjective, and these exams do not allow you to combine results across multiple exams, it's even more prejudiced since sometimes she passes one but not another section. I'm getting very angry about this situation for her and feel like this needs to be taken to court as I believe a lot of immigrants and refugees deal with this issue. Can anyone provide any legal advice around this?

EDIT: For the people stating that my explanation was vague, for more context, my mother is an international medical graduate who has lived in Canada for 30 years now, finished a masters in public health degree where she consistently had to write 40 page papers and do written exams. She has very high written, oral, speaking and reading abilities in English. For her to enter foreign credential recognition programs and be eligible for jobs she consistently has to show a recent (within one year) english exam score where she scores 8 for each exam. This means every time she has had to transition jobs (as we all do when we want to move up in our career), she has had to re-do this god awful test. She is a Canadian citizen and yes has been trying to get re-liscenced for years but the process has been very difficult if not impossible.