Georgia speeding ticket
While driving down I75 in a rental car with Florida tags Georgia state patrol pulled me over claiming I was speeding doing 88 in the 70. It was during a hour of the day that the traffic was light and me and one other car was driving in sight and I know for certain I was driving no more than 74 miles per hour with cruise control set to make sure my speed was steady and not excessive because the GSP has reputation to stalk I75 from the bridge. I told my passenger a mile before reaching the bridge I could see the cop with the radar gun out on the bridge and joked saying watch them come for us and had my passenger look at the gage to confirm my speed was not past 75mph prior to reaching the bridge. The GSP was already entering the I75 and proceeded to turn on his lights and get behind me as I passed the bridge he was on and I immediately pulled over on the left side of the i75. A second GSP pulled up behind him and he spoke on his microphone from his car that he needed me to continue to drive forward after I was in a stop in had the car in park with both me and the passengers hands up out of the windows so they knew we was not armed. The proceed to ask me to drive an additional two miles past the bridge where they entered I75 and then requested for me to stop. The cops first remark was you do know you are driving a rental car right? Which of course I did since the lease was in my name and current and I provided him the requested paperwork. He then stated his reason for pulling me over was because of my speed which he claimed was 88mph which shocked me because I was not driving past 75mph this was a drastic difference. The second GSP left the scene and the one handling the traffic stop asked me to exit my car that by law to receive my ticket I had to walk to the front of his car and sign his ticket. I complied and went on my way with the ticket which did not state how much it would cost. Less than 30 days later I got a plead deal in the mail from the county court offering to drop the ticket to 75mph with no points on my record for a small fine of $789 which was insane since the cop claimed I was doing 88mph when I know is inaccurate. I called the number on the letter and requested court. A year later I got a second letter saying I had a court date in 6 days and had to show up at 1pm which I did show up and entered a plea of not guilty for the 88mph. Two years 7 months after getting the speeding ticket I am still waiting a court date to go before a trial. I know someone mentioned Georgia has a statue of limitations for speeding tickets because the become stale after so long and I was told it was 24months which extended SOL if I failed to appear or had cause to prevent the hearing from occurring but I have not done so I even called to request the date for trail at least on 5 occasions where they stated they haven’t gotten to it and will mail me a letter once it’s set.
Question: can I file a motion due to SOL passing to release the charge of this bogus speeding ticket?