Michigan citation for “disobeying flashing red light” bc I kinda rolled through a light but still came to a stop/slowed down about all the way. What do I do? Should I try to fight it or just pay the fine? 19F

I’m a 19F from MI and haven’t had any car issues within the 3 years of driving. I own my own car, I don’t pay insurance or anything, but the car is technically totaled (it’s really crappy). I was driving home from my bf’s around midnight and got pulled over bc I kind of rolled through a flashing red light. I was given a citation and it says I disobeyed the red light. I’m not really sure what to do. It says “contact court” and then has a time of 6-12 days. Do I have to just pay the citation within that time? There’s no price listed. I really don’t want insurance to go up or my chances of getting insurance going down in the next year or so when I have to get a new car and pay my own insurance. Will a citation be on my permanent record? I’m really confused, and don’t think my slightly rolling really warranted a full citation, but I also don’t know how those warnings and such work. Thank you!