I adopted her grandkids then she divorced me.
I was married for 17 years, she has three children from three fathers, I raised the last two and adopted the youngest, her eldest son is also a deadbeat and she talked me into adopting his two children now ages 10 & 8 (her son and the mother are both drug addicts- or “recovering” the kids tell me the son lives with them most of the time.) Her main agenda was so she could get the cash aid from the state and we both get checks. I have never cashed one- she has cashed all of them. After the adoption was finalized she told me “ I’ll always have control now- hahaha.” It was pure evil. Then bam! She filed for DIVORCE soon thereafter and moved her boyfriend in. I gave her the house I purchased- she doesn’t work nor has she ever- and $1,000/month for the first year as well as take her grandchildren (she refused to have my child, having an abortion saying 4 was too many and I am now in my late 50’s and very unlikely to have children as my fiancé is in her late 40s. ) on Fridays from 5 to Saturday at 5. I’ve asked to change the schedule but no response - she is now SUING me for child support. I have zero biological children- their father is available AND lives with them.
I love the kids and will never abandon them, I simply want to not be ruled by her for the next 10 years.
Please, any and all advise is welcome.