Why does the government refuse to tell students what exams we have
We have 1 month left of school and our amazing government HAVEN'T yet told us what we have to STUDY for the official exams. I mean the incompetence writes itself, normally after the midterms they make it clear that "these" classes are useless for the exam so stop studying but they STILL haven't announced it, they said they would on the 17th of April and still nothing. We are behind in every subject because we have to keep learning useless things like economics and sociology rather then spending that same time learning the important things (in my case accounting). OH BUT IT GETS WORSE. They said that during the exam they are gonna crack down on cheaters by hiring more teachers and install cameras to monitor everyone LIKE THEY HAVE THE MONEY TO DO THAT. And I don't need to mention the thousands of people who live in the south who are getting bombed. I'm sick of this government.