To everyone coughing up black phlegm! Please read and calm down.

Hey there! Taking a break for a while. I’ve seen a lot of posts over time and lately of black phlegm when quitting or even when smoking. Please read!!! I’m not a health professional by any means, but I’ve been smoking for 10+ years and quit on and off. I know if you look up “black phlegm” on google you’ll automatically think “lung cancer it’s over I’m dead” please just take a breath and don’t fall into a void of thinking that. I have coughed up black phlegm more times then I can count, I’ve made multiple posts on here and trees to see and ask people. You will get people saying “wtf go to the doctor now, that’s not normal,” and to that I say BS. I’ve been to multiple doctors freaking out about my lungs/ cancer worries everytime. It ruined me during Covid, thinking I was dying. Coughing up black phlegm, 4 + years ago. Guess what? I’m still here and recently got my lungs checked again, “lungs are healthy” yet I would still cough up that stuff sometimes… primarily when you use a bong/not clean it enough, or ya know, run 10+ bong bowls into your lungs, that tar, it has to go somewhere, so it gets stuck in the little hair fibers going down to the lungs(says my doctor,) but your lungs filter it out and you cough it up, especially when quitting. So take it from me, if your coughing it up and is super nervous, just go to the doctor for a lung scan to clear your mind. Go running and cough some up, clean your bodies out! I get tired of people saying “thats not normal get to doctors asap,” anyone who rips a bong 24/7 knows that you will cough up some of that tar, if you didn’t cough some up I’d be worried they’re getting clogged haha. So enjoy. And let’s all get better slowly