Did quitting lead to more confidence in dating?
A little about me - I am a 28 year old gay male. I started smoking weed at 15 and have been a chronic user for over 13 years. The two longest breaks I ever took were 14 days when I was 23, and 27 days when I was 27 in January of 2023. In January of 2024, thanks to this beautiful sub and some amazing youtube creators, I made the choice to finally quit weed for good. This evening marks 22 days weed free, meaning I am about to break my personal record of 27 days here pretty soon.
A big goal of mine this year with my sobriety is to overcome my paralyzing anxiety of meeting up with people from dating apps (I've only been dating men for 4 years). Although I've had some luck off of the apps, it almost always comes at the cost of major anxiety and panic attacks leading up to meeting up. To be clear, this isn't rooted in any sort of major PTSD, I'm just chronically socially anxious, and weed has only made that part of me worse over the past decade. Because of this emotional burden, I rarely go on online dates, and instead rely too much on meeting people IRL to date... but that doesn't happen often for me, so I want to take charge by prioritizing online dating in a bigger way.
I've heard countless times now about how chronic weed smokers who give up weed for at least a couple of months begin to experience a significant decrease in anxiety and panic attacks, which is a huge motivating factor for me to stay sober. My hope is that this type of change could result in more natural confidence and motivation to do more online dating. I would love to learn more from other people's experiences on how quitting weed may have positively impacted their ability to date more. thank you!