Python environment in VS code error.
I created python environment via VS code command "Python: create environment.." and I have 3 questions.
- Why this environment gives me an error message when I use conda commands in terminal when that env is activated while that commands works for outside the environment? The error message is : "EnvironmentLocationNotFound: Not a conda environment: d:\...\.conda"
- If I create environment like this method, do I need to install every elementary packages like numpy? I heard conda env has some basic packages by default. But when I run and debug in VS code, numpy is not detected. And I can't even install it because of error that I mentioned => conda install also doesn't work.
- How to remove that environment which comes from VS code? I checked it this env has no name through terminal command "conda env list", it just gives me the "path\.conda". What I've tried is conda remove -p "d:\...\.conda". it gives me an error message "CondaValueError: no package names supplied.". I also tried to append --all at the end of that command. It doesn't return error message but no action for remove.
I just want to use python environment in VS code, so any solution of these questions will be helpful really, thanks.