After 13 years, I finally achieved Immortal using Clockwerk with an 83.3% winrate
Hi all, as title says I spammed Clockwerk pos 4-5 to Immortal. I calibrated at around low Ancient a few months ago. I considered myself a pos 1 player, but I found great success with Clockwerk in a support role. My overall ranked winrate in the last 6 months is 73.08%, I only played support.
Feel free to ask any questions, I'll do my best to answer all of them.
EDIT: Something extremely important that I forgot to mention - every game, and I mean EVERY game, I alt-rightclick cogs. If you don't know what this does: alt-rightclicking an ability or item permanently overlays its cast range indicator. The reason this is so powerful on cogs is because I know exactly when to press W to catch an enemy I'm chasing, as fractions of a second can be the difference between catching them and not catching them. In addition, if I catch an enemy at max range, they are likely to keep running in the same direction - straight into a cog. That gives me a free hit, and pushes them backwards, making it much easier to bowl more cogs into them. After I reach level 6, I switch the indicator to my ult.