Riot matchmaking makes me sad.

I love this game. It really is an amazing game. But consistently getting team diff is just so sad. I had a team going 1/17/0 recently (I was 1/0/0). That was in the first 15 min. Every single teammate hard inting. But that's just an example. Most of my games are like that. Another one yesterday, my adc gets caught lvl 1 has to use both sums. Then level 2 then are getting destroyed. So I gank level 3 after 3 camps, stun burst 2, give the kills to my botlane, push the wave. The perfect gank to help them. Then I rotate top give my top a kill. Then I secure grubs. Then give mid a kill. Top a second kill.

Then I farm my jungles a bit... My botlane get double killed. For no reason just gets outplayed. Then announcer on map "grubs been killed by enemy jungler". I see my mid overextended. In my head "I don't need to ping. Surely he saw and heard announcer. Enemy jungler gank is the most obvious thing in the world. Hes not that dumb." well he was. Gets ganked and kills. Then jungler seen on minimap heading straight top where my toplane same, was overextending no vision. But CLEARLY was about to get gank. Nop. He stays. Dies.

I ping drake 2 min, 1:30, 1, 40, 30, 20 sec before spawn. We have lead. I have a control ward and a trap setup. I kill 1 enemy carry for free. My team? Farming some cs somewhere far far away. Etc.

Every. Single. Game. I have thousands similar anecdotes.

League is amazing. Matchmaking is ABSURDLY BAD. It simply makes me sad. Waste of a great game.

EDIT: Riot solution is to ban players apparently but it's not a player inting problem. It's a matchmaking problem.