K'Sante is a buggy mess

Hello gamers, you might remember me from my 13.20 K'Sante bug fiesta post.

Now that we had that one massive bug in pro play a few days ago, i thought it's a good time to show a lot of the other bugs that make the champ feel less fun and inconsistent. Those bugs happen frequently in proplay and for normal players (i see a lot of people asking if it's bugged after it happens to them).

I'll add the Patch they appeared in as reference for how old they are.

Starting off with simple stuff:

[14.19] RP inconsistencies - Our RP (%max health physical damage) is supposed to apply on all our abilities, but it only affects 1 target with RQ and RW despite hitting multiple targets. It won't prioritize champions either and works with the spawn order. Additionally, it behaves the same with Unending Despair. The drain damage procs our RP damage on 1 target.


[14.21] Our E can't proc Aery. (If you wonder why we would ever take that keystone...bare with me)

During Patch 14.20, a post blew up about K'Sante being able to stack Moonstone Shields with his E (they also lasted forever). This issue appeared with Patch 13.10. The bug got fixed with 14.21, but caused the issue with Summon Aery. The same Moonstone bug is still possible with Tahm Kench, meaning they didn't fix the item and how it interact with duration coded shields (more on this later).


Now for our W (Majority of this post and i go through them as fast as possible. Most are caused by using "Tap W") We got:

[13.21] W dash cancel/forced max charge if you use it during Q cast time

Dash cancels when tapping W around 90-99% of Q's cast time. Before that will be forced max charge.


[13.21] W dash cancel/forced max charge/complete W cancel if you use it slightly before it's off-cooldown again.


[13.21] RW dash getting cancelled when used too soon after All Out's animation


(Out of video space and going for links now, so don't be surprised)

[14.19] W direction scam

For some reason, RW follows K'Sante's facing direction. This can also happen with R>RW and the indicator doesn't line up at all. Right click into any direction during Q animation lock and hold W during Q cast time.


[12.21] Lose the ability to control your W charge time or see an indicator if used right after all out.

Most likely caused by the game trying to replace RW with W once All Out ends.


[12.21 till 13.21. Returned with 14.19] W wall dash distance bug

If a maxed charged W is able to reach a wall, Tap W will go the full distance.


[14.19] Random aaaaaa animation cancels (W>Q>E).

For some Reason, W allows us to use Q during the dash, which then allows us to use E during the Q cast. His Q>E behaves like Aatrox Q>E which isn't the intended interactions. (Caused by K'Sante W data having CanCastOrQueueWhileCasting set to "true")


Now to some stuff that aren't bugs, but just feel terrible regardless:

[13.21] All Out's Resist updates are coded to recalculate every Server tick

It was intentionally done by Phreak to fix other bugs, but here's the issue... If K'Sante uses All Out, 85% of his Resists are subtracted from his base resists. Guess what happens if your resists change, especially because of Aftershock.

Here a prime example of what happens: Yasuo deals me 10k Q

While Yasuo is the most extreme example (his R bonus Armor pen is what causes it while K'Sante sits at single digit Armor. Negative Resist in calculation acts as a damage multiplier), it's something that happens with every champ and every resist changing effect. Before Patch 13.20, it worked instantly.

[Since 12.21] Our E being duration coded.

As a tl;dr, most shields are Amount coded (look Riven E, Janna E, Lulu E...). Whenever you use that ability, the shield refreshes on every use. Duration based means the Shield only refreshes once the duration is over. For our E, it is 2 seconds (+ a server tick). Another downside is that whenever we use E, those 2 seconds refresh. In ARURF and Arena (or with high ability haste builds in general), you can easily get under that threshold and spamming E won't do anything, including the fact that support item's won't re-apply as a result. This is more of an developer oversight since our E was never intended to be this short.


Aaaand at last, something that's more nit-picking than an actual issue, but K'Sante's Q3 tooltip still shows the pre rework versions resist requirements(?) [14.19]


If you ever pick up K'Sante or try to play him, make sure you play around those few things and your experience will be a lot better :). See you the next time (hopefully there won't be one).