Why ire nautilus scalings all over the place except where they are supposed to be?

Ok so I don’t play nautilus, I know big surprise, he is such a beloved pick , but I just played him in an ARAM and I’m so confused what the heck his scaling are suppose to accomplish.

His identity is clearly a heavy CC tank frontline, but he has AD scaling on his passive, AP scaling on Q E and R and the only thing that scales somewhat useful is his shield, which, you wouldn’t believe it, THE DAMAGE PART SCALES WITH AP.

Ok I’m sorry Mr. riot games I’m not part of the balance team but I think that some HP or armor scalings could easily make him a more popular pick in different roles

And maybe slap a little % HP dmg on idk, his passive or W.

IMO that’s such an obvious solution to fix his unpopularity idk why this hasn’t been a thing beforehand.

Edit: nvm first few comments literally show that Reddit is equally clueless.