i hope they remake aram map next season in the same way they reworked summoners rift this year

aram map could need an overhaul. maybe some alcoves. or add some space in the lane which is wider. so that there is more space for melees to fight.

right now it is really boring to play melee for the majority of the game, because you cant interact with the game for most of its playtime. majority picks adc and mages. melees just wait for eternity to be able to play for 20 secs just to be insta targeted to death. rinse and repeat.

if the map had some more wider areas, it would be a big qol improvement to melee vs unending boring poke.

maybe add a new mini objective like health relics. or upgrade health relic effects late game.

or what also would be cool to have a (rotating) game mode that is melee only aram. if you ever had one of those by random (rarely happens, because majority of players prefer ranged), they are the most fun i ever had on the map

and once theyre on it, they can bring bag twisted treeline and dominion