Profile of Adrian Nicoletti
Fact about his life:
Only once was Adrian so close to discovering Scaramouche's identity that he wondered why no one who saw him reincarnate thought he was the mysterious spy.
It happened at a dinner party Signora N., where Nicoletti was invited as a poet. But - here's the problem! - Scaramouche was to meet the informant on a case.
The Signora's house, an old manor in the suburbs of Venice, was a work of architectural art of bygone days and was full of secret passages. Adrian had not been able to find a complete map, but he had learnt from the servants who worked in the house the approximate location of the entrances and the planned location of the party. Having calculated everything so that Scaramouche would enter the house secretly and the poet would appear later, when he was already out with the guests, Adrian could not assume that the extravagant tastes of the lady of the house would force her at the last moment to move the reception to one of the secret underground shelters of the manor. So, on the appointed day, Scaramouche emerged from the darkness straight to the guests sipping wine in the gloomy stone hall. Not to be confused, he played the role of 'spy', menacingly approaching the signors and whispering frightening poetic lines. At the end of the performance, however, he pulled off his mask, making this appearance of Scaramouche part of the performance of the simple poet Adrian Nicoletti.
He was applauded, he was extolled as a brilliant jester, and none of the noble lords and gentlemen suspected in the smiling young man the real Scaramouche. The meeting with the informer took place as planned, and even he, laughing, told Scaramouche that he had just seen a performance of his 'double!
Fact about his life:
Only once was Adrian so close to discovering Scaramouche's identity that he wondered why no one who saw him reincarnate thought he was the mysterious spy.
It happened at a dinner party Signora N., where Nicoletti was invited as a poet. But - here's the problem! - Scaramouche was to meet the informant on a case.
The Signora's house, an old manor in the suburbs of Venice, was a work of architectural art of bygone days and was full of secret passages. Adrian had not been able to find a complete map, but he had learnt from the servants who worked in the house the approximate location of the entrances and the planned location of the party. Having calculated everything so that Scaramouche would enter the house secretly and the poet would appear later, when he was already out with the guests, Adrian could not assume that the extravagant tastes of the lady of the house would force her at the last moment to move the reception to one of the secret underground shelters of the manor. So, on the appointed day, Scaramouche emerged from the darkness straight to the guests sipping wine in the gloomy stone hall. Not to be confused, he played the role of 'spy', menacingly approaching the signors and whispering frightening poetic lines. At the end of the performance, however, he pulled off his mask, making this appearance of Scaramouche part of the performance of the simple poet Adrian Nicoletti.
He was applauded, he was extolled as a brilliant jester, and none of the noble lords and gentlemen suspected in the smiling young man the real Scaramouche. The meeting with the informer took place as planned, and even he, laughing, told Scaramouche that he had just seen a performance of his 'double!