To the “Gunners”

As a non-traditional prospective law student (and a director at a fintech company with 10+ years of leadership experience), here’s my take after sitting through orientation: Don’t be the awkward gunner who acts like they’re better than everyone. Yes, law school is competitive and grades do matter for the best jobs—I get it. But after meeting peers who prioritized one-upping others over building connections, I’m reminded why employers (and future colleagues) value collaborators, not condescending know-it-alls.

Your reputation in the legal world—especially in tight-knit markets—starts now. Dominating discussions, flexing credentials (I graduated from a top 5 public Ivy and have an Ivy League master’s—trust me, no one cares as much as you think), or undermining peers won’t earn respect. It’ll just make people avoid working with you. Humility and teamwork matter far more than any line on your résumé.

Channel your ambition, ego and behavior wisely. Be the person peers want on their study team or future firm. Life has a way of humbling the uncooperative—I’ve seen it in my career, and I saw glimpses of it at orientation. Stay grounded, stay curious, humble and remember: There’s always someone smarter.

Your career (and sanity) will thank you later.