Advise Needed: Current lawn is a mixture of grass/gravel. Michigan zone 4a-5b
Hey all, looking for some advice from the lawn experts here. I bought a home on 2.5 acres in Michigan (zone 4a-5b) and the current soil is a mix of grass and gravel (see pictures). The entire property was freshly graded about 1.5 years ago and seeded prior to purchase, there was a home on the other side of the property at one time that was demolished about 15 years ago.
I want this place to look like a golf course eventually. What do you all think I should do to get things on track? I was thinking about renting a power broom to remove the top layer of gravel, placing a layer of top soil and then heavily seeding (Mix of Kentucky blue, Perennial Ryegrass and fine Fescue).
What do you all think? Appreciate any input! Thanks All!