Quitting law to become a doctor

Hey all,

I am approaching my third in year of corporate lawyering in solid medium sized firm. Salary is good, colleagues are fun, won't run out of work. Problem is that I kind of don't get the point. All it is is clients who don't really like you or what you do that much and who find you expensive. A lot of paperwork and emails to push money around and conflicts about everything with everyone all of the time. I have trouble with the conflict part which the law system is basically based on and with the lawyer image and networking that become necessary. I went to law school because I flipped a coin and it won.

Right now I am driving myself crazy while working and finishing up my premed courses to be able to apply for med school in January. Life has honestly become rather miserable between work and school. Everyday I go from waking up motivated and reminding myself why I want to go to med school to telling myself that this is a greatly stupid idea and that I should shut up and be happy with the good job that I already have.

I honestly could continue with my job and not be unhappy about it. I do however have a nagging feeling that what I am doing is useless. It troubles me to work so much and not really be motivated by what I am doing. I could however see myself changing my mindset to think: my job is livable and pays enough so that I can do most of what I want outside of work.

I have always had an interest in science in general, especially medecine, want contact with people (i.e. emails and calls with lawyers, bankers and various registry employees is not the contact I am looking for) and want to make a difference.

Moneywise it's obviously not great in the short run. However, in the long run, I would end up catching up and making more during my lifetime. I'm from Quebec so tuition is almost negligeable (about $3k a year) and a family doctor makes on average $260k/year while being able to profit from corporate income tax rates (19% for the first $500k/year) and the possibility of splitting the income with other family members.

I've read everything and talked to everyone I could. I just don't know. I am looking for advice with respect to the specific career switch I'm considering and advice in general with respect to switching careers.
