Falling behind?
Hey everyone, I have thought a lot about this and I have finally decided to post it here. And hopefully you guys can also give me some advice.
I am M 25 going to be 26 in the next few weeks. And I'm in school via byu pathways. I started school when I was 23. The reason why I am writing this, is because I feel like I am falling behind trying to keep up with everyone. my siblings who are all married and have families of their own. They keep saying that I should be married already and I shouldn't be in school anymore. And even in my singles ward which is in UT county the bishop is saying that I should already be married because I have 25 almost 26. And I can't take all of this pressure from everyone anymore. Why is everyone trying to make my life fit into social norms of Utah?? Of saying that I should be married by now and out of school with a bachelor's degree by now.