Need help figuring out my sexuality

i’m almost sure i’m lesbian but i need some help figuring it out... please help

I have posted this on here before but I want to get more opinions and advice. this is going to be kinda long and wordy but i really need some opinions/help so please read if you can. :)

so I (f17) have identified as bisexual for about a year now, but i always knew i liked girls before that. however, over the past 6 months i’ve been starting to question the men part lol. i’ve only had one boyfriend before, who i dated for 9 months when i was 15-16. throughout that whole relationship i always knew something was off because i viewed him strictly as a friend even though i was dating him. whenever i hung out with him, kissed him, cuddled with him, it felt so wrong and i just felt gross and disgusting. i always knew his feelings for me were WAY stronger than mine were for him, and i realized months after i broke up with him that i never had feelings at all.

also, every guy i’ve talked to/have had “feelings” for, i stopped liking them after about a week. i’ve always thought that there was something wrong with me because of this.. i literally thought that i was broken and incapable of having romantic feelings for someone. but i’m now realizing that i’ve just never known the difference between feeling platonic and romantic attraction.

now here’s where the questioning comes in: have i just never found a guy that i had romantic feelings for? or do i not like men at all?

i’ve been asking myself this question for so long and genuinely didn’t know the answer UNTIL i read the lesbian master doc which i saw someone suggest on this sub. when i read it for the first time i got very emotional and i cried because everything in that doc just made so much sense. everything i had struggled with was explained on that page and it just felt so right. every sentence on that page fit with my thoughts and feelings. however, i’m still questioning and don’t want to confirm anything until i know for sure. the reason i’m still unsure about liking strictly women is bc sometimes i am sexually attracted to men. but never romantically, so i don’t know what that means lol.

also.. for a bit of extra info- i have had crushes on girls before and they are always so intense and nothing like i’ve ever felt for a guy.

anyways, if anyone read all that and can help me or give some opinions it would be greatly appreciated :)