How do I deal with my first real breakup?
I came out at around 25/26 and soon after met the woman I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I can't imagine my life without her, we just seem to fit and I love her more than anything. We had our 9th anniversary on Tuesday.
Last night we finally had the talk I've been knowing was coming and apparently she's 'fallen out of love with me'. I mean, things haven't been awesome for a little while, but relationships take work right? And I mean, we made it through family deaths and the pandora and everything.
She's not willing to try therapy because she 'knows it won't work' and I'm just... Overwhelmed. Like, what the fuck do I do now? We live together. I can't afford all the bills by myself right now so she's gonna be my roommate for a hot minute which I don't know if it's a good or bad thing.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, because now I've had one real relationship and have to figure out how dating at 36 works and tbh I'm terrified.