Meeting culturistas?

This may not be the right place for this but why not ask: where do you all make friends who are culturistas (not necessarily RPFK)?

I’ve moved and have found it hard to make friends for the usual reasons you see on Reddit but also because people say to go to events that align to your hobbies but my hobby is culture and it doesn’t seem conducive to building relationships

I enjoy watching Housewives and Oscar movies but haven’t found events where you can actively engage with others and not just watch a movie in a dark room. I enjoy going to comedy shows, same problem. I have done comedy classes but feel like I don’t find people who have the same pop culture lens and stupid humor and people were in and out of class. I enjoy obscure pop culture knowledge but haven’t found a trivia night where I could just drop in. And the list goes on. I know shared interests are not enough to sustain a friendship but I’d love to find people who quote Marion Cotillard’s Oscar speech or know the pitchfork scores of Bjork’s discography etc etc

Anybody have any tips?