L.A. Noire really could've benefited from including the burglary desk.
So, here me out. Between traffic and homicide Cole worked in the burglary division, Captain Donnely says so. This was cut early on, but just imagine what it could have been.
Partnering up with the detective voiced by Brandon Keener (Garrus, from Mass Effect), who is already the known burglary detective in the game, doing a few small burglaries, maybe busting a heist crew, but then it all concluding to you working on something along the lines of the Coolridge morphine heist. This would've given that little bit extra information, allowing Cole to reminisce on his war days and his squad, as well as giving a taste into the whole morphine situation handled in Vice and leading into Arson.
It's a real shame it got cut but i personally think it would have been a fantastic addition to the game and its story.