How are you learning vocabulary?
I'm a native English and Spanish speaker. Currently, I'm learning German, Portuguese, Korean, and Hungarian(and I thought about adding a fifth one such as French or Italian). German is currently my best foreign language. Later on I might make a post about the number of languages I'm learning. However, now I'm wondering how one goes about learning vocabulary
Someone once said here that learning lists of words is a hassle, and that they would rather consume content in the language(like TV shows, Youtube videos, articles, etc.). The problem with this though is that you may fall behind in knowledge of several word categories. For example, I've done that method, and still don't properly know the colors, animals, body parts, nor foods in German. So I categorized my vocabulary. Verbs are crucial to making sentences, so I have a category for verbs. I also have a category for adverbs, adjectives, food and kitchen vocabulary, body parts, etc.
Also they say to learn words in context. The way I do that is by mentally making sentences in a target language because after all, that's the goal. I learned grammar to correctly form sentences in German, for instance. I take these words from online Youtube videos, TV shows, or other online content, and categorize them, but not always. Sometimes I just need to learn words from the dictionary(if there is one) based on index(by letter). How do you study vocabulary? Is it similar to my approach?