Is it feasible to remove my deck and raise the grade up to deck level?
Our back deck is 2-3 feet off of the ground underneath it. I want to remove the deck, raise the grade up to where the deck level is so that we can walk out of our back doors onto pavers/ground, and then push the existing retaining wall back another 10 feet to give us some usable yard picture of where we want to push retaining wall back to colored with red line (we could also use that dirt as backfill to raise grade if this idea is doable).
My concern is the effect raising the grade 2-3 feet would have on my foundation. I plan on hiring an engineer of course, but is there a rule of thumb in regards to how high you can raise the grade against your house? I want to know if it is even doable, or if I should just replace the deck.
All of the pictures are from 3-4 years ago minimum - I didn’t have any updated ones to share. Deck is failing and so is retaining wall.