Clarification/update to Rule 2 (Self-promo) and a new rule 7 (No personal information).

Hey all.

Clarification/update to rule 2 (Self-promotion)

Self-promo is now limited to: A watermark on the image/vid and/or a single comment under the post linking to the original video. Any other self-promo/social medias linked (in the title/spamming comments etc..) Will be grounds for post-removal/temp-ban.

Also a new rule has been added to make it clear that personal information of people that aren't public figures (e.g the sidemen, related youtubers etc..) must be censored, to avoid brigading/harassment (which is already against reddit terms of service). This includes reddit usernames, twitter names, youtube comments and any other social media handles.

This is the start of a revamping of the rules/guidelines to help improve the subreddit's state, it would have been done all at once but these two issues were particularly pressing.

p.s. For those waiting on mod apps, i've personally been busy the last week or so, and with ~600 applications in, it's been hard to get through them. I've got them down to about 50 I want to look through thoroughly, so another few days to a week max before new mods are contacted/added.