Do idols become more popular when they act sexy?
[Maybe I should have wrote the title as "do some idols only go viral when they act sexy" but the idea is the same, more or less.]
This is honestly a genuine question, because I'm not sure if it's a wrong impression I got, or if it's something that actually happens.
[I don't want to sound oblivious, I'm not a kid, I know sexy concepts are extremely popular with fans, but I was wondering if someone else noticed this]
Personally, it seems to me that some idols tend to only go viral and become more popular when they act sexy or do something the fans find hot. Like, I know it's (more or less) normal to go viral for that, but it feels like it only happens for that and nothing else. For example, I will see a huge amount of videos of an idol looking hot in a certain outfit that is more sexy than what they usually wear (so many that I get tired of it), or I'll see videos of them performing sexy a thousand times, even if I don't interact with it, because they're super viral. Same thing with particular songs, I'll see songs with sexy choreos being recommended to me a thousand times, while others that are even more popular but don't have a sexy choreo are less shown on socials.
Now, I know fans eat up sexy stuff, but what I want to say is that it seems like fans only remember about certain idols when they look or act hot, and then forget about them again... I'm not sure how to explain this, but like if they act sexy in a performance that one will go viral, while others, doesn't matter how good they are, will not be, because there's nothing hot to see. And at the same time people with only see hotness or sexiness in videos that have nothing to do with it (but for this maybe it's just me not seeing it)
Am I going crazy and this is only my annoyed self (tired of digging through sexy videos to find interesting stuff) talking, or is it actually a thing?
Like somehow it seems dumb to say it because I know hot stuff is gonna get popular but at the same time I've never seen anyone point it out, and I brought it up once with another fan and they said it wasn't true? I personally see it a lot, but I want to understand other's points of view on this.
Tell me your impressions on this, I'm really curious