As long as these groups remain successful companies Will never stop debuting minors
Babymonster a group whose members are mostly minors is so successful and popular now even though we always see alot of people complaining about their age since they were first introduced and Thats just one example not to mention recently with the debut of h2h and kiikii who's have maknae born in 2010 is also quite successful. As long as these groups remain successful despite alot of people don't agree with minors debuting companies Will never stop debuting them because why would they stop when they keep making bank with these minors?? If it ain't broken why bother to fix it?
If we want them to stop all of us need to unite to boycott these groups and make them flop so these companies Will realize that we don't want minors we want adults to debut. but we all know that most of KPop fans don't put their money where their mouth is, they like to complain but still listening at the end of the day so its gonna be hard to do that