Lisa and Spotify

So, the other day, I was looking through my Spotify and I noticed that one of the artists I follow is Lisa.

I don’t listen to her music, and I don’t remember following her at all, but i just thought I did it by mistake when I was checking out Alter Ego, so I simply unfollowed her.

Then, I noticed that, for some reason, the only Playlist I have posted on my profile as public is a Spotify Made playlist of all Lisa’s song, which I also don’t remember ever playing, but again, I thought it was something I did by accident as well so I removed it.

Later on, I discussed this with my friends, and when they went to their profiles the same thing showed up — they have Lisa following even tho they didn’t, and that same playlist is shared on their profile when they didn’t even listen to it or posted it themselves.

I’m not trying to imply something, but I do find that to be really odd. Has anyone had that happen to them as well?


1.) People who are telling me I have did all that by accident — read the post one more time.

2.) People who are saying I’m a hater — again, this isn’t a hate post. I would have asked the same thing if it was any other artist that I don’t listen to in question because it doesn’t make sense that I follow them, and even less that some Spotify Made Playlist containing their whole discography is in my public profile as if I posted it myself.

3.) Not everything Lisa related is a hate, but if you are the ones who precieve it as that— you are the problem.