Oscar performance (Lisa, Raye, Doja)

People can't handle anyone saying anything remotely positive about Lisa's performance at the Oscars lol. They get down votes to hell, y'all she sang well, and sounded great, she looked great, Doja and Raye where also great. It was an overall great performance. Like this hate train is so forced, if this performance has shown anything, it's that it's not about her singing or anything like that, it's about the fact that they don't like her.

She did sing live, and it was obvious. Even when slowed down and from different angles it was clearly live, her mouth matches perfectly , the shape of her mouth, rise and fall off her chest, breathing, all match perfectly. The only people saying it wasn't live are y'all on reddit and people using it to hate on her. Even other artists praised it.

And it's obvious to the point where other western artist are talking about it and praising her more (Madison beer, Sabrina, etc) it's honestly embarrassing that you're being so hateful that others can tell easily lol. Y'all get some help, therapy, something because well adjusted people don't spend so much time on an idol they don't like. You don't like her, we get it, move on, stop watching her content then. Y'all acting like you're being held at gun point and forced to watch her lol.

Thank y'all in the comments for proving my point 😘

If anyone can give ACTUAL proof that she's lipsyncing, that goes against the breathing, how much her mouth shape and position matches up when she's singing, the different angles, etc. like ACTUAL PROOF, then I'm all ears. If not then you're speculating without any backing. There is more evidence to her singing live than not, unless you can show otherwise.