[KCD1] Another Combat Post
I know they’re asked a lot but I just can’t find my specific sort of question.
I’ve been playing longsword mostly for cqc but having done the Rattay Tourney a few times realised that it actually seems quite under powered compared to everything else.
I’m probably shit but outside of master strike and a follow up hit, any decent enemy is just master striking me right back so I need the weapon to do damage with master strike and most of the longsword ones, such as a the pommel to the face, do feck all. I then rely on on my one follow up hit because a second strike just gets countered so it’s all risk with no reward. Am I missing something?
Seems like SnS or MnS would be best as I find it’s easier to see the strike beginning when they are holding a shield. I don’t like having the shield take up screen though.
Tips, advice, thoughts.
Recently got attacked by that black peter and only got through that by cheesing the clinch really.