Help me set my expectations for [KCD2] ?
TLDR: Help me understand what I’m in for getting ready to play KCD2
As the title suggests, I'm going in pretty blind, but as a big fan of open-world medieval/fantasy RPGS.
I just want some help on what u should be expecting with this game (having not played KCD1 for more than a few hours, and too long ago to remember)
Here's what I'm currently thinking I’m in for:
· An open-world medieval RPG that's running fairly close to the 'historically accurate' line
· Something close to a 'medieval sim'
· Plenty of dialogue and a good storyline (from what I’ve heard...not that i care too much about story, as long as its not horrible, I’m fine)
· A steep learning curve in relation to combat, and other game mechanics like thieving and consequences
· Perhaps a shallow levelling/perk system compared to more traditional fantasy RPGs that have more to work with (such as weapon abilities and spells. Whereas KCD2, i don't know what to expect in terms of levelling)
· Not much in the way of exciting or 'levelled up weapons' - If its historically accurate, how much creativity can they have with weapons getting better throughout the game? more damage? better durability? I don’t know...It's not like it will be Elden Ring with its 300+ weapons.
Basically, i'm going into this treating it a as medieval sim with a storyline...I plan on embracing getting lost in the world and the life of Henry.