[KCD2] One more rant about Storm

I just read a player complaining about their struggles with Storm at Main Level 11. I wonder why that is.

Imho this is a game where the optional content is so amazing that I don’t know why you’d have the need to rush it. You bought this game, you can play it in whatever way you like, but also you have to be conscious on what limits the game will put you on for not improving your character in an RPG with 20+ different skills plus the perks associated with them. I strongly recommend improving on alchemy too, I understand some people might not like it (then buy them), but potions are incredibly OP in this game and nighthawk will turn the forest section into a breeze, if you get to level 16 on alchemy you’ll get a perk that lets you make the best version of a potion, and Henry’s savour schnapps will increase your weight load by a lot, so you can be less preoccupied on the encumbrance problem many people feel. Same for clothing, not investing in a third (assuming you got a battle and a fashion set) set that’s focused on stealth will always kick you in the ass.

Not everyone has to complete all side content before storm (I’d recommend doing quite a bit tho, almost everything is incredible), but I’ve seen people complaining about every petty thing you can think of when most of the time the answer is that they didn’t take the time with their $70 game to explore it a little more. I’m not saying the mission is perfect, the pacing is tedious and I actually liked it less than almost everything else at that point in the game, but it’s absolutely not the end of the world either.