I'm an actual idiot... [KCD2]

I was snooping around a tavern trying to practice my lock picking. I had been to the location briefly before but didn't stop for long.( I won't say which one as to not spoil anything.)

I came across a room on the second floor, which had a chest that was unlocked. Inside the chest contained a bunch of expensive armor and weapons. I was floored, how could a chest with no lock have such great loot?? I grabbed everything I could before someone saw, over burdened myself, and maxed out my horses carrying capacity. WALKED overencumbered, for 20 real minutes to my nearest bed I had in the town over. Once I arrived I opened the chest in my room to find all my stuff was missing...

I robbed myself. I fucking robbed myself of my own loot and robbed my actual real life time cause I'm a dumbass.

Please be better than me.

Edit: This blew up... For any of you newbies out there, don't beat yourself up too bad, the bar is very low lol side note, I beat the first game so I'm not even new to the series, just an idiot lol

Edit 2: Well my shame has gone global I guess, a commenter just informed me that this post was written about on a German gaming website 🫠

Edit 3: GameRant... I'm never going to live this down am I lol