Does it seem like your Kindergartener's curriculum is way more rigorous than what we had growing up?
I remember my own Kindergarten experience pretty well - we learned shapes, colors, animals, weather, clouds, etc. And there was lot of play and socializing, music, art, etc. Each day was a half day - AM or PM, switching after the first semester. And then we went onto first grade, where we learned more rigorous subjects like the alphabet, reading, writing, math, etc.
But my own 5 year old in Kindergartener is being asked to read and write in sentences, perform basic math (double digit math too as a "challenge"), etc. They're going very fast too - covering several letters per week. Even the teacher think it's too fast for the class, but she's required to follow the Los Angeles Unified curriculum (we're in public school).
She gets 6 pages of homework each week, which we complete on the weekends together. We do alphaet and sight word flash cards each morning. We've enrolled her in several weekend reading programs. And now we've started reading/writing and math tutoring on the weekends. And I still feel like she's not keeping up. FWIW she's a young 5, turning 6 in July - many of her classmates are turning six about now or even last semester.
Anyways, just curious if you find that Kindergarten is also not how you remember it, and whether you think it's age appropriate material (i.e. can your kid and other kids keep up?).
I really don't understand why it's so accelerated either - seems to create a lot of anxiety and pressure for both parents and students.