What’s your top 5 episodes

Here’s mine

Operation Z.E.R.O.-Do I have to explain

Operation I.T.-Great Numbuh 362 episode, and the tagging montage was amazing, and it was great seeing some of the operatives

Operation C.A.K.E.D. F.O.U.R.-Best Caked and Numbuh 2 episode in the show

Operation C.L.U.E.-My favorite 10min episode.

Operation D.A.D.D.Y.-Weird choice I know, but Numbuh 83 and 84, are two of my favorite characters, so it was nice to see them again. The reveal of Mr. Boss being Numbuh 86 was really surprising and the scene between the two was really sweet. We also finally find out what happened to Numbuh 1 hair.

What’s your top 5